Chicken Aversion During Pregnancy Gender: What Does It Mean?
Many pregnant women develop a sudden aversion to chicken and other poultry. Is this distaste linked to your baby's gender? We explore the connection between chicken aversion during pregnancy and baby gender, examining both old wives' tales and scientific perspectives.

Chicken Aversion During Pregnancy Gender: What Does It Mean?
Many pregnant women develop a sudden aversion to chicken and other poultry. Is this distaste linked to your baby's gender? We explore the connection between chicken aversion during pregnancy and baby gender, examining both old wives' tales and scientific perspectives.
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The Chicken Aversion Phenomenon
Chicken aversion is one of the most commonly reported food aversions during pregnancy. Women who previously enjoyed chicken may suddenly find themselves unable to tolerate its smell, taste, or even the thought of it. This aversion typically appears during the first trimester when hormone levels are rapidly changing.
The Gender Connection Theory
According to popular belief, a strong aversion to chicken and other meats during pregnancy might indicate you're carrying a girl. This theory suggests:
- Girl pregnancies: Often associated with meat aversions, particularly chicken
- Boy pregnancies: Less likely to cause aversions to protein-rich foods
This gender prediction method is based on the idea that carrying a female fetus might create different hormonal patterns that affect taste preferences and food tolerances.
Scientific Perspective
From a scientific standpoint, there's limited evidence supporting a direct link between chicken aversion and baby gender. Research suggests that food aversions during pregnancy are primarily caused by:
- Heightened sense of smell: Pregnancy hormones can make you more sensitive to food odors
- Increased levels of hCG: This pregnancy hormone peaks during the first trimester when aversions are strongest
- Protective mechanism: Some researchers believe aversions may help pregnant women avoid potentially harmful substances
Why Chicken Specifically?
Chicken aversion is particularly common for several reasons:
- Protein sensitivity: Many pregnant women become sensitive to protein-rich foods
- Smell potency: Chicken has a distinct smell that can trigger nausea
- Texture concerns: The texture of chicken can become unappealing during pregnancy
- Food safety worries: Subconscious concerns about foodborne illness from undercooked poultry
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Managing Chicken Aversion During Pregnancy
If you're experiencing chicken aversion, try these strategies:
- Find alternative protein sources: Beans, lentils, tofu, or fish (if not averse)
- Try different preparations: Sometimes grilled chicken is tolerable when fried is not
- Mask the smell: Have someone else cook chicken dishes or prepare them in a well-ventilated area
- Cold chicken options: Some women find cold chicken less offensive than hot
- Small portions: Try incorporating small amounts in mixed dishes
Nutritional Considerations
Chicken is a valuable source of lean protein, which is essential during pregnancy. If you're avoiding chicken, ensure you're getting adequate protein from other sources:
- Plant proteins: Legumes, nuts, and seeds
- Other animal proteins: If you're not averse to all meats, try fish or beef
- Dairy products: Yogurt, cheese, and milk provide protein
- Eggs: If tolerable, eggs are an excellent protein source
When Aversions Become Concerning
While food aversions are normal during pregnancy, consult your healthcare provider if:
- Your aversions are severely restricting your diet
- You're struggling to consume adequate protein
- You're experiencing significant weight loss
- Your aversions are accompanied by extreme nausea or vomiting
While chicken aversion during pregnancy is commonly associated with carrying a girl in folklore, scientific evidence for this connection remains limited. Regardless of your baby's gender, food aversions are a normal part of pregnancy caused by hormonal changes and heightened senses. Focus on maintaining a balanced diet despite these aversions, finding alternative protein sources that work for you, and consulting with your healthcare provider about any nutritional concerns.